Surprise Proposal Photos with a View, in Honolulu!
Normally I get a phone call from some gentleman wanting to do a surprise proposal on Oahu, and looking to have me not only photograph the proposal, but help with the planning…. location, timing, etc.
This awesome guy knew exactly where and when he wanted to pop the question- Tantalus Lookout at Sunset. He just needed me to capture it on camera. Anticipating there would be quite a lot of people there, I knew that it would be a bit of a challenge working around all the extra bodies. I stealthily posed as a tourist photographing the views, making sure not to get too close initially, but being close enough to capture the proposal when it happened. It ended up being awesome, with a big audience cheering for them!! I was so lucky to be their surprise proposal photographer for this amazing moment. Epic location and sunset, and she didn’t even know I was there! And then after I introduced myself, we did a sweet mini engagement photo session right after. It was perfect! And they could not have been more fun!! Thanks Marcus & Nina!
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